:: Wallpaper ::

Shoemarks, scratches, chipped patches... You don't even notice I'm there...
:: Paintcan | Paint me ::
[::..Dirt & Dust..::]
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
:: Renaissance [>]
:: RavenHawk [>]
:: DreamCollectorInc [>]
:: Ghosties ;P [>]
:: F***ED?? [>]
:: Aussie Me Not [>]
:: Blind Man's Walk [>]
:: Surfer Paradise [>]
:: Mel Mel Mel ;P [>]
:: Spiky Hair [>]
:: Silent Kabuki [>]
:: Mona [>]
:: Floodgate [>]
:: Lethe [>]
:: XIV [>]
:: Sugar Candy [>]
:: Pussified [>]
:: Tappy!! [>]
:: Blueapple [>]
:: Min [>]
:: Lao Gong [>]
:: Ying [>]
:: Rou [>]
:: Pink [>]
:: Punk'd [>]
:: Mesh Caps [>]
:: Silat [>]
:: Atlanta [>]
:: Dead And Gone [>]
:: Poems =P [>]
:: Writings [>]
:: GUESTBOOK!! [>]

:: Sunday, September 05, 2004 ::

Wes haves movessss...

Clicks heressss...

:: Sam 11:07 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, September 04, 2004 ::
A great way to start your morning is by practising some boken jutsu. That's something some old sensei would tell you.

Interestingly enough, I found myself wielding my sword not long after I woke up. The situation called for immediate action, and within two strokes, I had impaled my target. My sword had finally proven it's use. As a clothes picker.

Apparently, due to strong winds, and the fact that I didn't clip my clothes, one of my shirts were blown on to the ledge, and I couldn't reach it with my short and pudgy arms. Being the genius I am, my boken came straight to mind, and I retrieved it in short order.

Who says martial arts has no practical, daily use?

:: Sam 6:21 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, September 02, 2004 ::
W00t!! Joy, happiness, bliss! I had a most enjoyable experience with one of my previous featured toys, the SLR!

OK, don't really know what the settings in the camera were all about, but it sure was fun just anyhow clicking away on the shutter release. Took loads of picturs, and some actually came out looking good! No matter how I look at it, I feel so damn proud of myself. Especially the shot concept that I came up with! Haha.

I wonder if it'll get published. If it does, I'll paste like a hundred of it all over my bedroom wall. Muahaha. If it does not, I'll just get the soft copy and print a hundred of them anyways.

Watch out, I shoot!

:: Sam 8:54 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 ::
Yay! I've got a new toy!!! Man, seem to be getting a lot of new stuff to play with recently. That's the only thing that's been going good so far.

I got a WOODEN SWORD!! Ok, I was deprived in my childhood, I only had nunchuckas, but no swords. It cost a whopping 20 bucks, but now I feel another level more superior than you puny mortals, because I have a wooden sword, and you don't! Muahahah. Now I can whack you on the head on with my sword, and you can do nothing but say 'ouch' and suffer in silence.

Or you can join Aikido.

"Here I come with charging with my wooden sword! Har! Har! Har!" Last words of the toy samurai before the dog ate him up.

:: Sam 5:36 AM [+] ::

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