:: Wallpaper ::

Shoemarks, scratches, chipped patches... You don't even notice I'm there...
:: Paintcan | Paint me ::
[::..Dirt & Dust..::]
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
:: Renaissance [>]
:: RavenHawk [>]
:: DreamCollectorInc [>]
:: Ghosties ;P [>]
:: F***ED?? [>]
:: Aussie Me Not [>]
:: Blind Man's Walk [>]
:: Surfer Paradise [>]
:: Mel Mel Mel ;P [>]
:: Spiky Hair [>]
:: Silent Kabuki [>]
:: Mona [>]
:: Floodgate [>]
:: Lethe [>]
:: XIV [>]
:: Sugar Candy [>]
:: Pussified [>]
:: Tappy!! [>]
:: Blueapple [>]
:: Min [>]
:: Lao Gong [>]
:: Ying [>]
:: Rou [>]
:: Pink [>]
:: Punk'd [>]
:: Mesh Caps [>]
:: Silat [>]
:: Atlanta [>]
:: Dead And Gone [>]
:: Poems =P [>]
:: Writings [>]
:: GUESTBOOK!! [>]

:: Thursday, March 28, 2002 ::

Phew... 2nd orientation is over. My, was it depressing. To be honest, there are good points to, but basically, I didn't do my job as an OGF well. My class was like so totally dead, I don't know why. Maybe it's because they already are like that, maybe my lack of enthusiasm and ability to gel with them, maybe both. But I do know I have failed completely when a 2nd intaker ran away from my OG to another OG, and was cheering loudly and having more fun for that OG!! Sad...

But on the bright side, I made some new friends... I can only be as responsive as the other party is, and fortunately for me, the OGFs are pretty much nice people... Most of them wish to join council, and I do too, but I think I kinda lost a few more potential votes after Orientation 2, and that pretty much reduces my already shitty popularity base to almost nil... Bleargh... Very sad... I don't want to run for council and end up getting no votes. OK, it's not that bad, but not getting voted in after campaigning is bad enough to me, and I don't want it to happen... Besides, my skin is not that thick, how to garner support?

Then there's hockey... Already some of the new people joining it are surpassing if not catching up with me in terms of skill... As for potential, I think I'm zilch. As much as I love sports, am as good as a pig attempting to face the sky (in case you don't know, they can't), that is to say, I'm no good at all... Of course there's always hardwork and training, but I'll be way too far behind that by next year, I may end up being only a so-so player, and get replaced by some hockey appeal student. Now that will suck man...

Ok ok, enough lamenting, I got an 8310!! Yeah, it's the only lovely thing... But then again, shall I talk about how it has no composer, takes hell a lot of steps to reply one message and then delete it, and blah blah blah?

Argh!!! What the HELL is wrong with this world?? Why is my good friend up there playing such tricks on me? Hopefully it's for a greater good? Please?? I beg you?? Don't do this to me...

The author has broken down into little pieces at this point, but fortunately has not started crying. Oops, did I speak too early? Oh ok, he's a blabbering idiot now. Perhaps he will go psychotic soon and the world will be a better place...

:: Sam 4:14 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 ::
Sleep is good. Repeat after me: Sleep is GOOD... Good...

Case in Point: Before I took a nap, I was having a serious dilemma, to throw or not to throw (a tantrum, that is). All pissed off and hackles raised, I decided to pay a visit to wonderland to ease my troubled mind, and left my body lying somewhere in that bed of mine. When I woke up, ta-da!! I was all normal and cheery again.

But then again, it all started after I woke up in the middle of my 1st nap. Hmm... Waking up when you don't want to, makes you grouchy... Maybe the grinch should get more sleep. Hell hath no fury like a sleep unfinished.

(Btw, ever noticed the different sounds a handphone makes when it vibrates on different surfaces?)

Wait a minute... I'm digressing, back to the point. Anyways, sleep is good. It is the best cure for anything that you had previously, and will probably result in the opposite after you wake up. If you don't feel different, then get back to sleep again until you do. Sleep...
Sleeep... Sleeeep...

There is a loud snoring noise as the author gets up. (Wait a minute, I don't snore!!) Ok ok, a loud shuffling noise as the author stands up and sleepwalks back to his bed. Good night and good sleep. Hey, while you're at it, don't forget to dream of me too!! (Oops, I'm not supposed to let anyone know I'm writing this, am I?)

:: Sam 6:29 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, March 11, 2002 ::
Hey, any guesses to who the dark lord is??

May the Force be without you...

Honestly though, it's still a weebit too bright, ain't it? But who cares, it's time to celebrate the first ever cam pic!! Hehe!!

Champagne bottles pop open, firecrackers in the sky, trumpets billowing, and whole lot more, blah blah blah...

Bleargh... Next time I shall make sure it's all dark, and the person isn't this one...

:: Sam 8:06 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, March 10, 2002 ::
*You will update* Huh? Who's that? *You will update* Argh, get that voice out of me!! *UPDATE!!* Ok ok, don't shout in my head. *Write in proper English* Wha? *Deaf aren't you? I said - WRITE - IN - PROPER - ENGLISH!!* Yikes!! I get you, don't need to yell!! Demanding voice... mutter mutter... *Well dearie, you asked for it*

Alright, here I am, trying my best to update and write in proper English at the same time, not to mention having fried prawns stuffed in my mouth. maniacal laughter What's so funny? Don't laugh, I'm doing this for you OK?? *Yeah right* Anyways, what are you doing in my head? Am I really so stressed up that I'm imagining things, or are you so naggy that I can hear you despite being kilometres away?? *Could be both* Forget it...

Hmm... I detect a foreign presence here... Please identify yourself!! *She won't* How do you know? And how do you know it's a she? *Oh, I have my ways...* Dumb voice. Fine... While I'm at it, I might as well thank Hapie for linking me, yay!! *Pathetic* Hey, at least there's somebody who bothers, okay? Not like you... *Who says? I did! Once!* Big deal... *Hmph, ingrat... Who would want to visit you if you don't polish your English anyways?* I'm trying!! *Not good enough, besides, did I tell you that you're worse than suicidal?* So? At least I'm still alive... *Exactly the point!* What's that supposed to mean? *Go figure...*

Hey voice, just keep quiet for awhile will you? Let me have a few moments of peace... silence That's better... Ok, now that alien voices are banished... It's holidays!! Freedom!! Play!! Actually, I'm damn bored... Hmm, I think I may go gallavanting tomorrow... phone rings Hello? *Hey, I'm back!!* What? On the phone now? Sigh... Do you know how high my phonebill is?? *I don't care, you're the one who's paying. Anyways, can I come?? Please please?* Fine... Not like you're not already in my head now... Right, - *Don't you dare say it!!* Say what, - *Stop!!* Huh??

there is a slight pause as a barrage of unspeakable threats are hurled from the phone and onto various places on the author

*thwap* *slap* *slap*

author returns much later from Hell

Phew, that was scary... Didn't know Hell had telephones... Now I know that the dratted voice in my head is actually a little demoness... No wonder I've been having a streak of bad luck. Better rush all I have to say before it comes back. Okay, basically, we lost the debates finals. *Hahaha* Hey! Shoo! You're supposed to be still in Hell! *Too bad, I love tormenting you* I failed my 2nd interview... *Aw... Haha...* I'm still not in hockey team... *Slowpoke...* And I'm having no luck with girls... *Try demonesses?* You know, I could really do without those side comments, thank you. *My pleasure*

Argh... This is infuriating, I don't think I can finish this thing if you keep pestering me!! *That's my job*

the author loses his patience and begin tearing his hair and stomps off furiously not long after

By the way, he got through his interview, just that the powers-that-be missed his application, how unfortunate... But things have been rectified, and he is now accepted for his Orientation Group Facilitator post... All thanks to this little angel who is finishing his incomplete entry. Well, that's all for now, another round of update may come in a very distant future, depending on how long it takes for him to recover his sanity, or inanity, or insanity, whichever you prefer, to come and blog again...

:: Sam 3:50 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, March 01, 2002 ::
Hello? Anyone in here?

Raps on the door

Can someone please answer me?

The sound of bolts unlatching is heard, and the dust covered door creaks open as centuries old cobwebs fall to the ground, torned.

I'm baaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!

Plays some kinda cool music here

Oh hi people, urm, I mean un-people, it's been like a really really long time since I last wrote, nearly one month in fact... So, how's everybody doing? Yes yes, I know you ghosts can't rightly answer, and I can't hear the reply anyway, but there's always a guestbook right smack at the bottom of the list of links for you to haunt. As for the rest of you misfits, you can always try to visit the poor house more often and keep it more un-lively...

A vampire bounds up and whispers something

Ah, I nearly forgot... Yes, my progress... I have gotten the results of my Ordinary Level experiments last year, and as you can see(or not see), out of the 8 horns I was supposed to grow on my head, I managed to make good specimens of 6 of them, while the other 2 are just a grade below! Thus giving me a beautiful 6 points to my name... Isn't that wonderful?

Same vampire hisses something again. An invisible force flings it violently against the wall.

NO, I shall NOT discuss the competition.

Crowd shrinks back in fear. One slightly gutsy zombie attempts to lift its loosely attached arms in vain.

Of course, of course, accomodation. I do not forget. A ripping sound is heard as the zombie successfully lifts its arms, detaching it from its body. We are staying put. No Apocalypse or blue dick or what so ever is going to budge us. I know some of you wish to head to the more run-down residence of the Rafflesian spirit, but I promise you it will be no better. Leave if you like. The rest who do not wish to suffer mysterious un-deaths will stay here.

A loud wail is heard from a wraith trying to sneak stealthily out, but is unfortunately and unhappily sucked into a vacuum cleaner

There, that just goes to prove my point. I mean, my points. As lord of the house, do not think you may do as you wish simply because of my long absence. One more piece of news. I have found a fair human maiden that has captured my eye. But humans, as we all know, are dangerous creatures, and this one even more so... But hunting is a game that we all, the stalkers of the night, must do, and this time, the prize is a deadly but beautiful one. Her blood will be worth the effort.

Whimpering comes from a werewolf nearby. The whimpering turns into a shriek of pure terror followed by a howl of pain and finally a ghastly silence, as pieces of what is left of the werewolf splatters all over the wall and the crowd, torned apart by yet another mysterious force.

Oh, by the way, did I forget to mention that cowards are not tolerated? Oops, my apologies. And now, it is time my comrades, for me to take my leave once more. Make sure that such lack of discipline is not seen when I next return.

Mad, evil laughter is heard as a bat flies out of the window and into the night sky

I'll be back.

:: Sam 5:16 AM [+] ::

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