We learned something interesting today, cinquains... It's a poem that has 2, 4, 6, 8, and then 2 syllables again. Then we were told to blow bubbles and get inspiration from them, how dumb. Niwaez, being the good boy I am, I did as told, and this is wat happened.
Out of nowhere
Like love between people
Beautiful while it lasts, but soon
Just pops.
Wrote another one after that.
'Bubbles' 2
Blowned happily
Just pops under the rain
Winking out of it's existence
Like life.
Man, the things people do when bored... Oh yeah, and the poet who invented it all was called Adelaide Crapney, haha.
Phew, JC life rocks man!! I'm so glad I choose AJ, and not NJ or TJ, as I hear they totally suck, big time! AJ is quite fun, with all the new friends, the cute gals, the ogling sessions, the horseplay, and studies. Haha, yeah, studies. It feels good to be on top again, y'know. Not that I'm showing off or wat of coz. Then there's things like debates and love poetry competition coming up, and now that I got a good source of inspiration, I think I've got a pretty good chance, hehe...
This year, I'm also getting a 'bad' habit, something I could never imagine myself doing a year ago... I'm actually busily chatting away on the phone for hours at one go. That is so not me. Now I'm afraid to get pple's phone numbers coz I'm afraid I'll be tempted to call them, or they'll call me... Phone bill is gonna skyrocket man...
One thing about JC life though, is image. That seems to be the keyword if you want to get popular. Image. Every little thing you do or not do affects how pple will think of you, whether you'll make it into class committee or councillor and whatnot. I don't really care at this point, so I'm kinda like projecting a carefree attitude, which is not too bad either, I guess... But as usual, pple are already forming bad impressions, or perhaps even an impression that I'm not, after all, I'm not a very impressive person.
Oh well, what the heck, I'm in AJ now, RI is behind me. I'm a simple, common, normal student now, no longer top 5% and whatever other rubbish that comes with RI. And that's all that matters. I'm back.
Recently, or in fact, juz yesterday I read an article on Singapore women from the Straits Times, the heading being 'Singapore women fierce? So what?' The article btw, was written by a woman, which only goes to prove their ferocity from the oh-so-fierce/argumentative title... Juz kiddin, so dun bash me up. Niwaez, here's some extracts from the article.
'... Singapore women - especially those who are well educated - have become "hard".
They should learn to be more feminine, more accomodating and, yes, less career-driven, he said (author's friend). If they are career-minded, they should choose mates who are not, so that the men can play house-husbands. But then, career women obviously don't want losers.
"Two highly-stressed spouses can't add up to a peaceful home, with children well brought up," he said.'
'Recently, he began dating women from China. Clearly, they have made a big, positive impression on him.
One, in particular, is not only young, but also "stunning", gentle mannered and plays a mean guzheng.
She can not only read the Chinese calligraphy scrolls in his apartment, but also provide the context and stories behind the poems, whereas we Singapore girls burst into giggles trying to decipher the scrawls. And she's not a university graduate.
Women from Malaysia, especially from Sarawak, my friend observed, also out-score Singapore women in the feminine/gentleness stakes.
They are content to be housewives, tending to the kids while their Singaporean husbands work. And when the men come home, these women will not bombard them with 101 questions about their day.
He is not the only Singapore male to make this observation.'
'... spoke of "very attractive Malaysian girls" who would "hold their partners' arms over dinner and feed them. And look so totally contented."
He also related how a friend had this to say of Singapore and Chinese women: "Singapore women are no match for their Chinese counterparts because the latter know how to be feminine without being fawningly subservient, do take care of their male friends' feelings and are not out to put them down as if they need to prove something.
"A Chinese girlfriend will, without asking, peel prawns for you at dinner without even being self-conscious about it. She will not regard it as lowering herself, or pandering to the male chauvinist ego." '
'The columnist spoke of attractive, finacially-independant, professional Malaysian, Filipino and Japanese women who know how to pamper their Singaporean male fritends.
The column triggered a response from a Singaporean male who wrote in to Life! complaining about how "local women don't cut it."
He even gave his rating of women in Asia: "Malaysian gals are friendly and down-to-earth. Thai gals have grace and are charming and caring. Filipino gals have talent and are devoted. Indonesian gals are also charming and musically talented. Japanese gals have grace and spunk. Vietnamese gals are also graceful and devoted.
"And Singapore gals? Only look good on the outside because they'd use a tonne of make-up which gets washed off in the rain."
Well, well, well'
There you go, a take on the average Singapore gal. I tend to agree quite a lot with it, though I'm not saying that there are no nice gals at all either, coz there are always some, juz hard to find, hehe... But to be fair, being the righteous, reasonable and unbiased person I am, here's the second part of the article, the girls' side of it.
'... But, yes, the Singapore woman - especially if she is better educated - is a confident and assertive creature.
She is pragmatic and, hence, materialistic. (Money talks, right? Both Singapore women and men know that).
She is articulate (well, more so than the Singapore man) and will fight to defend herself and her loved ones.
She goes out to work and tries to excel in her career because (a) it is expected of her; and (b) the money she brings home makes life easier, for herself and those she loves.
She is frank and has no time for mind games, making her, in fact, naive at times. There is little pretence and guile. What you see is what you get.'
Blah blah blah... Ok ok, I'm too lazy to type out the rest, but I'll put in the conclusion...
'So, yes, the Singapore woman may not be the most charming and flirtatious of women, and she may not always make her man feel good.
Still, if you think about it, Singapore women show they care for their men by going out to work and helping to bring home the bacon, and often a large slice of it, too.
And when they are upfront about their feelings, they are actually showing respect for their men, for they are being honest. They are not treating men as idiots by trying to fool them through saying one thing and meaning another.
Now, if this isn't good enought for Singapore men, can you blame some Singapore women for turning to foreign men who can appreciate them for what they are?'
Hehe, the end!! Well, I'd say this is a darn good GP essay, if it were to be used as one. Well, all I can say is that this ends up with most Singaporeans getting with lotsa other foreigners but not themselves, haha... I dun dare to comment too much on this article, except that, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, heh heh...